Thursday, April 10, 2008

What took you so long?

Sorry. I got a bit swamped. So, the caravan was slow, but good. The coffee and muffins were well received, so next time I'm doing a caravan in a house without a kitchen, I'll probably do that again. So, what am I up to now? Contract negotiations, keeping in touch with interested folks who visited the open house, and working on my spring newsletter.

In other news, I have sent my car to Birmingham to be serviced by my dad's mechanic. Why not choose a mechanic in Atlanta? Because I have not yet found one that I feel good about. I'm pretty sure the last mechanic who changed the break pads just lied. If you have a mechanic to recommend, I'd love to hear about it. In the meantime, when you see me in my parents long white Buick, just laugh and wave.

Also in other news, I'm very sneezy and watery because of the pollen. If you see me and I'm teary and wiping my nose, don't worry. It's just the southland in the springtime, where the pollen falls with confidence and reason.

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