Monday, April 7, 2008

How did it go?

The open house went well. There was some interest in the property, which is always the top priority. I met some neighbors who just wanted to get a peak inside, as well as a few real estate folks - investors, agents, and contractors - and some other regular buyers. All in all there were 18 folks through the door, which is not bad considering I didn't have time to advertise it other than balloons and signs.

Next, an agent caravan on Tuesday. A caravan is when a listing agent throws an open house for other agents. Why would you want other agents to see your house if they aren't looking to buy themselves? Good questions.

What sells a house? The first thing people usually say is "location," and that is a huge part of a home's value. But that's not what sells a house. Staging? Curb appeal? Pricing it right for the market? These are also good guesses, but not what sells a house.

Agents sell houses. It's true that there are homes that are so unique, or so unbelievably well decorated or designed that they can practically sell themselves. But 99% of the time, agents are the ones who connect buyers with availably properties, and that's how you sell a house.

And that brings us back to agent caravans. The idea is to get agents (and therefore a connection to buyers) into your listed property. It often happens soon after a property goes on the market, but I'm going to do one to show off the progress that's been made. Sometimes the listing agent will provide lunch or dessert to the agents who come see their listing, as a way of getting more people through the door. This house doesn't have any appliances so I won't be providing lunch. I'm going the coffee and dessert route. I'll be picking up a big container of Starbuck's new blend, Pike Place, and serving my almost famous chocolate muffins from 12 - 3 pm. Sounds good, yes? I'll let you know how it goes.

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