Friday, April 4, 2008

What else do you do all day?

Here's the second installment of what a day looks like. Since this morning I have:

17. Had a coffee meeting in Decatur
18. Stopped in for a chat with one of my favorite brokers
19. Had a lunch meeting in Buckhead
20. Shopped for and bought a large mirror, candles, towels, etc. to stage open house this Sunday
21. Fielded calls about showing my listings (Love that)
22. Quick nap (by Friday I pretty much have to have one)
23. Cup of tea
24. Check e-mail
25. Reply to e-mail
26. Help Andy pack up and leave for his show (tonight, Smith's Olde Bar, see you there)
27. Put Emilie's directional signs out for her listing on Hillcrest - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and for $349,900 you get to be my neighbor. That's a steal, don't you think? Seriously, it's a great house in a terrific location. But I digress...
28. Pray for rain to wash some of this pollen away
29. Sweep off patio in preparation for the answer to my prayer
30. Check Emilie's messages (again, I'm not a stalker)
31. Blog

Which brings me to now, which is 5 pm. I have a few more things to do before I put on some lip gloss and head to Andy's show. But that will have to wait for another blog. In retrospect, this wasn't the best day to give you a play by play narrative, but it will have to do. It's been a good day. Hope yours was as well.

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