Thursday, October 23, 2008

What's the problem?

Interesting article. Every lender I talk to says, "I can still make loans! Have your buyers call me!" So if you're thinking about real estate but don't think you can buy now, please let me put you in touch with one of my favorite lenders so you'll know for sure.

Survey Shows Consumers Still Believe Real Estate Is a Good Investment

RISMEDIA, Oct. 22, 2008-OptHomeTM, an online resource for empowering homeowners, buyers and sellers to make smart decisions for all their homeowner needs, released comparison findings from consumer confidence surveys, conducted during Q2 and Q3 2008, that indicate the majority of consumers still believe in the value of real estate as an investment.

Fielding several hundred responses by homeowners in mid-June 2008, one-third (74%) of all respondents said they felt real estate was still a good investment. Comparatively, even with the collapse of Wall Street and the economic crisis making headline news, when the same group of consumers was surveyed again this month, results remained unchanged.

With the nation teetering towards recession, one thing remains clear-consumers still hold a fundamental belief in the importance of home ownership and the American dream which cannot be dampened by the greed of Wall Street. What is at issue for the consumer are the logistics of how to make that happen in today’s economy.

The OptHome survey also revealed that 74% of all buyers and sellers believe the number one challenge facing a home buyer today is obtaining a mortgage, compared to 61% in June-indicating a correlation between the 13% slide in consumer confidence and the global financial crisis as it relates to home ownership. Conversely, 41% of consumers believe the biggest challenge facing a home seller today is setting a realistic price for their home, down from 53% in June — followed by a growing concern they will have to sell their home for less than they owe on their mortgage (25% vs. 21%).

“Consumers are starting to come to grips with the challenges they’re facing, but there are some very bright spots in the real estate industry” said Dave Sears, OptHome co-founder and chief strategist. “Thanks to the Housing Bill, there are incentives for first time buyers - including a sizeable tax credit. And mortgage rates are expected to remain low to help resuscitate the industry, making it a good time for financially sound consumers to take advantage of the market’s surplus and very affordable prices.”

For more information, visit

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