Sunday, June 1, 2008

What? What? I have to replace my toilets to sell my house?

Yes, maybe.

The Dekalb County toilet retrofit/inefficient plumbing ordinance goes into effect today. For now, this only applies to homes built prior to 1993 in unincorporated Dekalb. So, if you live in Decatur or Incorporated Avondale Estates, or if your home is newer that 1992, you are exempt. But, it's looking like we're all going to be subject to this eventually, so don't ignore it all together.

In essence, this is about replacing high-flow toilets and faucets with low-flow fixtures. If you are selling your home you must disclose whether your fixtures are high or low flow. If you are buying a home you must have low-flow fixtures installed and inspected before you can get water service

Here's a summary from the Dekalb Association of Realtors. I'll post updates as I have them...

Inefficient Plumbing Fixtures Replacement Plan Summary

1) On Tuesday, February 26, 2008, the Board of Commissioners approved the inefficient
Plumbing Fixtures Replacement Plan Ordinance.

2) This ordinance requires that structures constructed in DeKalb County before January 1,
1993 be retrofitted with water conserving plumbing fixtures upon resale.

3) This ordinance advances DeKalb County’s long term water conservation efforts and long
term sustainability of limited water resources.

4) Effective dates:

a. June 1, 2008 for residential properties.
b. January 1, 2009 for commercial properties.

5) Requirements:

• Seller shall disclose the requirements of the ordinance to potential purchaser
prior to execution of a contract.
• Buyer shall not be allowed to obtain water service until he/she has attached a
Certificate of Compliance to the application for water service. The Certificate
of Compliance must be signed by:

i. Home Inspector,
ii. Department of Watershed Management Inspector, or
iii. Licensed Plumber.

6) Exemptions:

• Any real property that is being advertised for foreclosure.
• Properties that will not be inhabited but will be demolished.
• Properties that are sold or conveyed between spouses or between parents
and their children.
• Properties being conveyed during the administration of the estate of a
spouse, parent, or child.
• Properties that because of architectural or historic restrictions, plumbing
configuration, and/or drainage system configuration, would cause the
owner to suffer extreme economic hardship ($1,000.00 per toilet for
residential or $2,000.00 per toilet for commercial).

7) Criminal Penalties:

• Violators will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 1-10 of
the DeKalb County Code.
• Second conviction within 12 months from the date of first conviction -
• Third conviction within 12 months of the first conviction - $500.00.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please contact me if you need any help finding a High Efficiency Toilet that is compliant with the Inefficient Plumbing Fixture Replacement plan. We are a distributor for Caroma's Dual Flush toilets that also qualify for the $100 rebate offered by Dekalb County, the City of Atlanta and several other counties. Caroma Toilets average to 0.96 gallons per flush (based on avg of 5 uses a day) and, with a 4" trapway, virtually eliminate blockage. Please visit or contact me for more details at Best regards, Andrea Paulinelli