Sunday, June 15, 2008

How can I have less clutter in my life?

This is an article from REAL SIMPLE, one of my favorite magazines.  I'm not suggesting that all of these ideas should be used by everyone.  I won't be trying the last one, I'm happy with both my husband and my involvement in the Junior League of Dekalb County.  But, there are some nuggets of wisdom here that you might find helpful.  

Clear the Clutter from Your Life

Real Simple readers share inspired ideas for streamlining your day

Always Be Ready to Go
I installed a small key cabinet behind the front door. Keys are hung there when we come in and picked up when we go out. I also check the weather reports on Sunday, then set out and iron my entire week's wardrobe. Finally, I get everything ready for the next day the night before and place my briefcase or bag near the front door, ready to go.
Amy O’Donnell, Houston, Texas

Follow the Five-Minute Rule
No one can really save time, since we all get the same amount every day. However, I have found a way to reduce clutter on my desk at work. I call it the five-minute rule. If I can get it done in five minutes or less, I tend to take care of it then rather than place it in my in-basket to do later. This includes mailing that letter, marking a date, opening a room for someone, answering questions, filing one piece of paper, etc. By getting rid of the little things immediately, I can focus on the bigger projects, and the minute details of my job don't bog me down. 
Rebecca San, San Gabriel, California

Donate Household Stuff Weekly

At least once a week I find 10 things I can donate, give to friends, or throw away. I think better when I am not surrounded by clutter. Our whole family relaxes more when we are not in a pile of toys, newspapers, and magazines. It has taught us all to value a few good things rather than acquiring masses of objects that don't enhance our life. 
Megan Shachat, Seattle

Systemize Your Closet
I reorganized my clothes closet so that all outfits are grouped together. I am not a morning person, and I do not like standing around, naked and cold, trying to decide what to wear. I just grab the first outfit on the right side and put it on. At the end of the day, I hang the clothes up on the left side. This way, all my clothes are rotated, so I wear them all and never overwear my favorites. 
Susan Shellberg, Tampa

Streamline Wherever Possible
1. I have subscribed to a grocery-delivery service. 
2. I have hired a cleaning service. 
3. I go from the mailbox to the recycling bin and sort my mail right there — junk goes away immediately. 
4. I give each family member a mesh laundry bag for his or her socks. The socks get washed, dried, and returned in the bag. 
5. I set my coffeemaker on automatic so that it is ready when I get up. 
6. I listen to books on tape while I drive. 
7. I have a two-way pager so I can answer work questions on the fly. 
8. I pay all bills once a month. 
9. I go into the office by 7:00 A.M., so I can leave by 3:30 P.M. 

I get through a huge number of books that I otherwise would not have the time to read, and the two-way pager may sound like a leash, but it has given me greater freedom to be out of the office. 
Brenda Brassard, Scituate, Massachusetts 

Do Less After Work
I have three children, a husband, a dog, and a full-time job, and I was volunteering to help out with every activity that came forth. I finally realized that my children were happier to have me at home than out doing things that I thought were for their own good. I gave up everything except the once-a-month PTA meeting. My children are much happier knowing that I will kiss them good night while they are still awake, instead of while they are asleep. 
Michelle Corbett, Mississauga, Ontario

Do Less at Work
Being self-employed as a hairstylist, I decided not to accept any new clients. I found myself taking just one more cut and working until 8:00 or 9:00 P.M. I am now able to go to the kids' practices and make dinner for my husband for a change, and I am able to relax a little more. My family definitely comes first, and it's about time I realized this. 
Andrea Arnold, Willows, CA

Just Do Less

I got rid of my husband, hired a fabulous nanny and let her run my house, began buying in bulk, got to know my daughter's teachers, did not join the Junior League, got a personal trainer, and found a contractor and landscaper who were very good and trustworthy. I let go of a lot of stuff, and I realized I didn't have to do everything, just a couple of key things really well. 
M. Gary Ryan, Pelham, New York

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