Monday, May 5, 2008

What's up?

I've been busy on a couple of fronts. There have been three contract negotiations going on. I went to Birmingham for one night for a concert at BSC. Working on business plans. Pitching in a little as Aunt Janice. And then, of course, there is still laundry to do. So, nothing so exciting that I have a good excuse for not blogging, but that's about it.

I do have to brag on Andy Yates. My tech support is amazing. Check out the website he created for a new listing:

He's amazing. Granted, it's an amazing house so that helps. But, I'm a lucky gal.

Here's a funny me. After I do an open house or a caravan I try to get by my brother's house to give my nephew the balloons. He's always happy about that. The last time I did it was the Sunday of the Inman Park Festival and it also happened to be raining. Sully, who is 3, wanted the balloons, but he didn't want to put on his shoes or his raincoat, so I picked him up and we ran in the sprinkling rain out to the car to get the balloons.

So on Wednesday I went by to help out because my brother had to work late. After I'd been there for about 10 minutes Sully said, "Did you bring any balloons?"
I replied, "No, buddy, I'm sorry. I only have balloons on Sundays, and sometimes on Tuesdays."
he continued, "And when it's raining."

How cute is that?

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