Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Mommy Suggestions

After three months of mommyhood I'm ready to make some suggestions:

1. Shop Consignment Stores for Maternity Clothes. Finders Keepers in Avondale Estates had a pretty good selection. This is especially helpful during the third trimester when pants that fit one week, won't fit the next.

2. For Labor and Delivery, consider hiring a doula. We worked with Jen Purdy, director of Lumina Birth. Jen helped us work through a birth plan before I went into labor, which was really helpful. But, more importantly, she was with us when things took a turn and we had to throw that birth plan out the window. It was great to have another voice in the room to help us ask questions, both of ourselves and our doctor, since we were making important decisions quickly. She also took pictures so that Andy could be helpful to me and in the pictures.

3. Consider Cloth Diapering. If you haven't checked out cloth diapers lately, you'll be surprised how far they've come! We are using Bum Genius All-In-One's from Cotton Babies. Ginny much prefers them to disposables, and has had very little diaper rash or discomfort EXCEPT when we've used 'sposies for travel and convenience. Plus, if you live in Decatur or oterh municipalities who have a "pay-as-you-throw" garbage removal system, you'll save a ton in garbage bags. Not to mention, the benefit of not filling up landfills.

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